Check out our new customizable 5th Grade Math. We will soon have a matching answer key as well.

We just released our first Refresh Math 5 Technology Preview, using Study Time’s Arithmetic 5 and our Refresh software. Download a free copy of testing material. After completing the diagnostic test, “Go to Refresh” below and check the matching numbers of the examples you still need practice. Then select “Generate Student Book” for a free printable student workbook.

Current Projects

  • Started field testing 5th Grade Student Workbook
  • Finalizing 5th Grade Answer Key
  • Upload Diagnostic Test Answer Key
  • Starting on 4th Grade Concept Strands

Our History

In 2019, John Gingerich had an idea. He saw the need for custom curriculum while teaching in an individualized school setting. Why not effectively convert traditional curriculum resources into easily usable blocks that could be recombined arbitrarily? Then, when specific lessons, practices, or reviews are needed, it would take minimal time to create custom worksheets and other materials for students.

At first, he started working with manually copying and pasting, which was effective, but very time consuming. So he moved to Virginia with a dream. How hard would it be to make custom software to generate materials quickly?

In Virginia, he met Evan McGurrin, and asked him what he thought. “Sure, we can build that! When do we start?” was his reply, and as a result, Refresh was created.

Our Vision

We want to provide resources to help students reach their academic goals, even when it looks challenging and difficult in the moment.